Statistics on InstaProfi:
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Instagram account statistics @000_
Account statistics @000_ according to instagram.com
Media content
Graph of changes in the amount of published media content (videos, reels, stories, posts)
Graph of changes in the number of followers
Subscriptions to other accounts
Graph of changes in the number of subscriptions of this profile to other accounts
Instaprofi.ru account statistics @000_
Account statistics on the website instaprofi.ru @000_
Number of views on Instaprofi.ru
Graph of changes in the number of views on Instaprofi.ru
Number of additions to favorites on Instaprofi.ru
Graph of changes in the number of additions of this profile to favorites on Instaprofi.ru
Number of downloads on Instaprofi.ru
Graph of changes in the number of downloads on Instaprofi.ru